Executive Director: Roland Vandal
231 Nassau St N. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3L 2H7
Phone: (204) 479-8995
Resident Home Number: (204) 414-1507
Email: [email protected]

Breaking the Chain is a second stage, structured sober environment in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Our mission is to provide a clean and sober environment for men in recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction. The mandate of the project is to help individuals who have a desire to stay sober and become productive members of society. The project values the participant’s involvement in the recovery fellowships which is essential to enhance the recovery process of the residents. Residents are mandated to attend 12-step meetings, work with a 12-step sponsor and do the 12 steps. These actions are essential to facilitate growth and prepare residents to achieve good emotional sobriety. It is Breaking the Chains philosophy that individual’s need to possess honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness to initiate a change in their lifestyle to deal with addiction/alcoholism. All individuals must be drug and alcohol free upon intake.
Specific admission criteria for residents of Breaking the Chain Inc Sober Living Recovery Homes include:
• Must be 18 years old.
• Must be a male addict or alcoholic by admission.
• Required to commit to the residency for 90 days minimum.
• Must be detoxed, no drugs or alcohol in system.
• Min. 30 days sober & completed inpatient/outpatient treatment program.
• Must not have a history of sex crimes or arson.
• Commit to attending abstinence-based support groups (A.A./C.A./N.A. etc).
• Meeting lists filled out and a sign in sheet at the front door every night and when leaving in the morning.
• Prepared to work, attend school or volunteer.
Breaking The Chain offers private/semi-private rooms from $535.00 to $580.00 per month. It provides a home atmosphere that promotes sobriety by providing a safe, structured and independent living environment. Residents of Breaking the Chain cook for themselves, purchase their own groceries and maintain their own rooms. Cleaning supplies are provided. Cable, bedding (if needed) and laundry facilities are provided on site. Bus lines run in the vicinity of the property located one block from confusion corner.
To apply, write a letter of introduction about yourself and complete the application form. Your application will not be processed till the package is completed [Applications can be dropped off at 231 Nassau St N between 8.30am-7.00pm Monday to Friday or call Roland to arrange a meeting (204) 479-8995.